What Haridwar is famous for?

The city of Gods & Spirituality Haridwar the land of gods, the land of spirituality has always been a tourist hotspot. Its spirituality and religious background keep pulling people towards it. Though there are many reasons for its fame, but there are certain things which I would like to tell you about.  The famed river…

The Holy Dip of Belief

मां गंगा में डुबकी लगा हुए सभी एकरस अर्धकुंभ नगरी (हरिद्वार)। अर्धकुंभ के दूसरे स्नान और सोमवती अमावस्या पर श्रद्धालुओं का सैलाब उमड़ पड़ा। लाखों श्रद्धालुओं की भीड़ सोमवती अमावस को गंगा में डुबकी लगाकर बीती रात से ही लौटने लगी थी। जितने लोग वापस जा रहे थे, उतने ही आ रहे थे। यह था…


Human is the most beautiful creation of God but we don’t understand it and if we understand it; we can not realize it. Had we realized it we would have spread beauty every where. Beautiful flowers make a garden beautiful and please others but how much we please others or how much we are pleased…